Friends of Vade Mecum

Supporting Hanging Rock State Park

Master Plan for Vade Mecum

The Park Advisory Council met last night at HARO and Robin invited a handful of Save Sertoma folks and invested stakeholders. to listen to OBS Landscape Architects discuss how they are going to create a master plan for Vade Mecum and Moore’s Springs. It is important to note that the state division of parks has asked for this study/master plan.…
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Moore’s Springs Restaurant Demolition

Here is a video of Moore’s Springs Restaurant being torn down. When I was caretaker of the campground from 2002-2004 I lived in the left side of the red house. ~Janis

Holiday Presents

Want to support Vade Mecum and the Stokes County Arts Council? Stop by the Arts Council in Danbury to purchase a calendar and a print of Cheshire Hall. The price is $50. This will make a great gift for anyone who loves Vade Mecum.

Work continues on opening Vade Mecum

Despite setbacks, plans in the works to increase public access By: Nicholas Elmes May 2, 2015 Despite a lack of state funding and a continuing discovery of new issues, Hanging Rock State Park and the Friends of Sauratown Mountains (FSM) are working to get parts of the Vade Mecum property open to the public. Park Superintendent Robin Riddlebarger said they…
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Work Days Begin

We need you! Yes that’s right, we need you to help clean up Vade Mecum & Moore Springs! Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for the upcoming work days. Our October and November ones were a huge success! Read about the October workday in the Stokes News

Volunteers Needed

And now the work begins…. Right now, the park is thinking of either cleaning out the red house/old restaurant at Moore’s Springs and/or the buildings/cabins at Vade Mecum. But we can’t do this alone. We need VOLUNTEERS for these work days! If you can spare some time, join our email – mailing list. Fill out the google form and you will…
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Sertoma is Saved!

The governor signed the budget! That means the property known as Camp Sertoma has been transfered to DENR and the state park system. Nicholas Elmes wrote a great article that sums up where things are at now: Sertoma transfer passes. I want to thank everyone that was part of the Save Sertoma team. Many people worked behind the scenes to…
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Almost There!

We have almost won the fight to Save Sertoma!  For those not checking the Facebook page, here is the latest update: “Sen. Shirley Randleman, our ever-vigilant senator, emailed this morning that we _should_ find out today when the governor will sign the bill that will transfer Vade Mecum-Cheshire Hall-Moore’s Springs to the State Park System.The signing is presently not showing…
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Holding Our Breath

It seems like we are holding our breath, waiting to hear if SB744 has passed. Luckily we have good news from Nick Elmes of the Stokes News: Sertoma supporters anxious for state budget – Randleman, Holloway say budget will pass By Nicholas Elmes The growing budget battle in Raleigh has made some local supporters of Camp Sertoma nervous that clashes…
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NC Senate Bill 744

Jesse Moore on the Save Sertoma Facebook page says: County Commissioner Ronda Jones just sent me an email with a copy of N.C. Senate Bill 744 and said this:“Of course, there is always a possibility that something will happen at the last minute, but I feel 99.99% sure, right now, that this will pass the House. The other commissioners and…
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